Consultation Session (RSA only)

R1999,00 60 minutes

BOOKINGS via email:


Best suited for people who want help removing a fear or doing some intense core values work.

Session Includes

  • One on One / Online Session
  • 1 x 90/120 minute Transformation Coaching session
  • Free email support for the duration of the coaching session

I rarely work with clients for just one session as we need to explore your conscious and unconscious thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, patterns and programs, where you get the opportunity to review, discard and/or upgrade the thoughts, feelings and emotions that have limited you, held you captive and sabotaged you.

We need longer than that to really achieve change which organically through time becomes transformation.

However, if you do want one session, I will do what I can to help in such a limited time.
Best suited for people who want help removing a fear or doing some intense core values work.