I’m not the same person that I was—that walked through Karin’s door, the very first time. Emotionally I’m lighter—thoughts and vision are clear and my focus is sharper. I’ve got a greater understanding of my values and how this brings balance and joy into my life.
I wasn’t sure where to begin, but Karin Kelly gently guided me through the blocks in my life that were holding me back on becoming more. The ongoing value and personal happiness I received from her coaching is priceless. Transformational and life changing teachings and guidance, will steer me to achieving my dreams. Karin is a game changer │Christilene
Hi, I’m Coach Karin Kelly
International Transformation Mind Architect │ Author │ Speaker
By mapping the connection between your thoughts, emotions, and actions, I help you build new mental frameworks, guiding you to break free from old patterns and step into your full potential.

With 19+ years experience—Karin Kelly, is not a traditional coach however described as a “mind architect.” Her expertise lies in teaching individuals how their thought patterns—perceptions, self-limiting beliefs, and inner narratives, often rooted in a blueprint that is not truly theirs—shape their reality. She helps uncover these mental constructs, which may not align with an objective or empowering perspective, and teaches how to rewrite them.
Her direct coaching style ensures that participants are supported as they confront the barriers holding them back. This journey of transformation is not always easy, but it is liberating—empowering individuals to realign their inner world and create meaningful change in their personal and professional lives.
Answers To Your Questions
Over the years I have compiled a list of 10 popular questions received from clients, accompanied by answers. If you cannot find what you are looking for—please drop me an email and I’ll be happy to assist you
1. How long does the coaching process take?
Each coaching process is very individual, which means that there is no fixed rule to how long a coaching process usually takes.
In my personal experience I have found eight 60/90-minute sessions and at times even 3 depending on the circumstance sufficient.
However, practice shows, that minimum of six 90-minute sessions are usually enough to make a change. In some cases, the problem is solved within 3-4 sessions, in other cases it may take up to 10 meetings to see the success. It all depends on the individual and the requirements.
2. What is different in what you do to traditional life coaching?
Note: We as coaches are all different in our approach and in our unique way.
Firstly, allow me to define my interpretation of life coaching.
Life coaching is moving people toward success—a focus on the future—it moves people from idea to action—it is an ongoing relationship, between coach and client, which focuses the client on taking action toward the realisation of their goals or desired self. Life Coaching is a platform or vehicle for learning.
(note my approach includes the benefits of traditional coaching)
My approach is more than simply about you learning, growing and changing. It is about assisting you in taking a quantum leap forward in transforming your life on all levels—mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically. As we explore your conscious and unconscious thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, patterns and programs, you get the opportunity to review, discard and/or upgrade the thoughts, feelings and emotions that have limited you, held you captive and sabotaged you.
This transformational change happens naturally at the core level of your being, automatically upgrading your internal operating system. This creates greater momentum for additional significant positive shifts in your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, choices, emotions and RESULTS. It also aligns and opens the pathway to your soul essence.
In simple terms, transformation coaching is focused on your self-actualisation, which still includes all the benefits of traditional coaching. However, it adds the benefits of diving deep into your operating system.
3. Are your sessions in person, phone, remotely or all the above?
Majority, (80%) of my sessions, be it personal transformation or executive transformation, are done remotely via a medium convenient for the client (Zoom, Skype etc.)
I also offer in person consultations, which for a period of time I am based in Cape Town, South Africa. Office locations are in Vredehoek and Claremont.
4. How does payment work?
1. Payments are made prior to each appointment as confirmation.
2. Transaction receipt needs to be emailed to the coach.
3. Online payment can be made before each session on this page. You can use a credit card or PayPal.
4. MasterCard Machine is available if seeing in person—Confirm when making the appointment.
5. Cash – payment must be done at or before each session. This is also a preferred method and needs to be agreed upon prior to each appointment as confirmation.
6. You can receive an invoice for each session if required.
7. Package Includes
*One on One / Online Sessions
*8 x 90 minute Transformation Coaching sessions
*R1222 x 8 sessions
*Total: R9777
*Free email support for the duration of the coaching sessions
5. Do you offer payment plans on your packages?
Yes, I offer payment plans on my 3-month coaching package and VIP-Executive package.
3 Month Coaching Package
R10,800 = R1350 x 8 sessions
Split over 3 months.
1st payment R3600, invoiced before you start (confirming package and sessions)
2nd payment R3600, invoiced after 3rd session
3rd payment R3600, invoiced at 6th session
Note: Coaching Package is valid for 6 months
(If you need further assistance in the payment plan—please do not hesitate to contact me)
Ultimate VIP Package
R56000 = R2800 x 20 sessions
Split over 2 payments
1st payment R28,000, invoiced confirming executive package
2nd payment R28,000, invoiced 4th month into coaching package contract
6. Can I pay per session or do I have to take a coaching package?
You do not have to take a package deal, bear in mind that the package deal does work out more cost effectively in the long run.
Note: There is a 3-session upfront payment option.
Commitment being—YOU—The process— taking commitment to explore your conscious and unconscious thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and programming. The rewards for having this courage and for allowing yourself to be supported in this process—is life-changing, as well as life-enhancing.
3-Month upfront commitment payment option
$295 (per session) x 3=$885
7. Can I claim your sessions from medical aid/insurance?
Unfortunately, not as I’m not a medical doctor or a medical professional and not covered by medical aid/insurance.
8. Do you guarantee the privacy of my information?
Absolutely! Your details or anything you say without getting your permission first is kept in strictest confidence. At the end of our sessions/session, you will be asked to write your feedback/testimonial and you can choose whether you want this information to stay confidential or not.
9. What are your qualifications?
Certified Coach - American Union of NLP (aunlp), USA
NLP Practitioner - American Union of NLP, USA
Profiling - Achievement Network, UK
Facilitation Corporate Coaching - Achievement Process, SA
Financial Accountant - Unisa
10. How much do you charge for your coaching packages?
8 Sessions
R11552 (R1444 per session)
8 Sessions
$1066-66 ($133.33 per session)
£835-55 (£104.44 per session)
Payment Plan Available—see FAQ
Global pricing sensitive per country—quotes done separately
Wanting to build a long term relationship with an experienced coach across multiple areas.
R60,000 (R3000 per session)
($3888) Dollars
(£3111) Pounds
Get me (almost) unlimited for a full year!
Package Includes:
→Up to a maximum of 20 sessions over a 12 month period
→Sessions up to a maximum of 75/90 minutes. (We do what we need to do to get you moving forward that day. It may be 10 minutes, it may be we need the full allocation).
→Unlimited e-mail access.
→The ability to call me anytime (within reason) between 9.00am and 17:00pm—during week days—if something important crops up and contacted back when I am available.
Note: I only take 6 clients per year on with this package, please call me to check availability.
1. Payments are made PRIOR to each appointment as confirmation (3-monthly fee).
2. Transaction receipt needs to be emailed to the coach.
3. Online payment can be made before each session on this page. You can use a credit card or PayPal.