New Year Goals and Resolutions?? – Do This!

SET A THEME:  Once again, we have come up to “that” time of the year, where New Year resolutions and goals are set for the coming year. Personally, I have never been in favour of setting New Year’s resolutions. I believe in focusing on a vision and once...

Forgiveness-YOU deserve it

Forgiveness : There is freedom in forgiveness.  I have personally experienced this a few times in my life. J Kehoe “Forgiveness is letting go of “your upset.” You let go of it because it does you no good. Every time you think of the person who has upset you, you get...

Brand Identity : Core Values

Brand Identity : Core Values I was reading an article on brand identity which plays a critical part in companies where core values came up and thought of an article/blog I wrote a while back “Core Values”. Brand identity is who you are and what you value as a company....


Procrastination is a human condition that Life Coaches, and even more shockingly, Productivity Coaches, suffer from. The reason we do so is because we are hard wired to choose pleasure over pain whenever possible. One BIG reason is that people tend to avoid doing...