by Karin_Kelly | May 30, 2019
Introducing Karin
by Karin_Kelly | May 20, 2019
However, becoming aware of your inner self and how it balances with your outer self is the foundation for good mental, physical, and spiritual health. This is why it is an important aspect to consider when working on good balance in your life. The Outer Self At times...
by Karin_Kelly | May 16, 2019
How to Stop Black-or-White Thinking It is normal for us to want to categorise things, to label them so we might make sense of them, but as soon as we start identifying something — as good, bad, or any other description — we’re limiting our understanding of the...
by Karin_Kelly | Mar 29, 2019
People cross my path on a daily basis, whether it be a coaching client, or just sitting in a coffee shop and hearing people talk around me, and let’s not forget social media feeds — so it’s inevitable that the “stress” of life, in one way or another is brought up, be...
by Karin_Kelly | Mar 29, 2019
Empaths are unique people, and they are different from everyone else in various ways. Even though they don’t like to admit it, they’re highly sensitive people. Therefore, if you are close to an empath, you should know some things. All empaths have the following...