The most successful people on the planet understand the huge benefit of investing in themselves. And make no mistake, Coaching is an investment that can be returned many times over.
Coaching isn’t just for athletes, musicians and executives – it’s for anybody sensible enough to realise that we all have our own blind spots and can benefit from an experienced set of impartial eyes.
There are many options available to work with me. The most popular is the Life Coaching Platinum package, which gives you 8 1-hour sessions with me over 3 months (or sooner if you really want to build some momentum)
Life Coaching 3 Month Platinum Package
If you want to make a change in your life, and make sure it sticks long after your last Life Coaching session then this is for you.
It`s my most popular package because it doesn`t matter if you know what it is you want to change, or if you just know you want your life to be different.
This package gives me enough time to get to the root of the issue and give you the tools you want to make those important lasting changes in your life.
Package Includes
8 x 60 minute Life Coaching sessions
Free email support for the duration of the coaching sessions
Sessions valid for 6 months from date of booking
Life Coaching 2 Month Gold Package

Designed for people that would like help in overcoming one or two issues such as gaining clarity, removing the feeling of being ‘stuck’ and/or help in managing and reducing stress.
Package Includes
6 x 60-minute Life Coaching sessions
Free email support for the duration of the coaching sessions
Sessions valid for 6 months from date of booking
Single 1-Hour Session
I rarely work with clients for just one session as I need longer than that to really understand you and help you achieve whatever it is you are aiming for.
However, if you do want one session, I will do what I can to help in such a limited time.
Best suited for people who want help removing a fear or doing some intense core values work.
The Ultimate VIP Package
Get me (almost) unlimited for a full year!
Aimed at entrepreneurs and solopreneurs who want to build a long-lasting relationship with a highly experienced coach working across multiple areas.
examples of things you may like help on:-
– Getting unstuck and moving in the right direction both personally and in business
– Integrating your personal values into your business (or businesses) to make work fulfilling
– Help with accountability – it’s not always easy when there’s nobody driving you
– Having somebody who has a wealth of business experience to bounce ideas off
– Managing stress and work/life balance
– Advice (mentoring) with online marketing to generate clients
– A calendar year gives us the chance to forge an amazing partnership and tackle head on any issues you have now or crop up over the next year that maybe holding you back from fulfilling your potential.
This is the package that allows me to take off my coaching hat from time to time and dip into my business background (mentoring) to help in any way I can. However, I am not a Business Coach, so if it is purely business coaching you require and everything else in your life is spot on, I’m probably not the best coach for the job.
Package Includes
Up to a maximum of 24 sessions over a 12 month period
Sessions up to a maximum of 75 minutes. (We do what we need to do to get you moving forward that day. It may be 10 minutes, it may be we need the full allocation).
Unlimited e-mail access.
The ability to call me anytime between 9.00am and 6:00pm if something important crops up.
Note: I only take 6 clients per year on with this package, please call me to check availability.
Which Package Fits You Best?
CALL ME NOW ON +27 82 745 7552