The Consequence of Ignoring Your Intuition

I talk to clients a lot (especially when I am doing Core Values ) about gut instincts, intuition or whatever else you want to call that feeling you get of deep knowing without being able to explain it. And the reason why I talk about them so often is because too many...

Mindfulness and How It’s Changed My Life

5 Reasons Why I Tried Mindfulness and How It’s Changed My Life Compliments to “Tiny Buddah” By Chris Boutté “We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night.” ~Jack Kornfield Almost two years ago, I kept...

10 Things No Life Coach Should Ever Do

10 Things No Life Coach Should Ever Do Article written and given to us as coaches by an incredible teacher “coachthelifecoach” Because Life Coaching is entirely unregulated, any Life Coach can set up a business and do pretty much what they want (within the...

Thoughts are real forces

Thoughts are real forces What we think during the day are REAL FORCES!! They are not meaningless. Each thought you think is an energy, substance, force having an effect on our thoughts. We are designed and wired to be tremendously successful in every area of our life....